Defending the Field: China’s Female Sports Fans Struggle for Inclusion
Faced with harassment in stadiums and online, female fans of soccer and basketball struggle to find a safe space for their hobby

My Gender Doesn’t Make Me Bad at My Job
Meet the women succeeding in male-dominated industries in China

Just Ad Misogyny: Why Is Sexist Advertising Still Rampant in China?
A collagen drink becomes the latest product in China to be slammed for gender discrimination in advertising

Play Like a Girl: How Women Forge New Communities Through Sport
Frisbee, rock-climbing, and other trendy pastimes are seeing growing interest from women, who make their own community in these sports

Nü Perspectives: Striving for Better Female Characters on Chinese Screens
Do female characters in Chinese cinema and TV pass the Bechdel test?

Gender-Based Violence: A Year in the News
After the Tangshan restaurant attack, we look at how discussions about gender permeated news of violent acts in the past year

Below the Belt: Ukraine Crisis Triggers ‘Crotch Nationalism’ in China
Why the war in Ukraine sparked a wave of sexualized comments about female refugees on Chinese social media

The Low Bar for Online Defamation in China
Several women have been falsely accused of promiscuity and “money worship” online, highlighting a lack of legal protection against internet rumors

Viral Week Ep. 281
Hungry fare-evader, draconian schools, ancient doodles, and ears of steel—it’s Viral Week

Viral Week Ep. 179
Sorghum worship, misogyny for minors, child abduction hoax, a pregnancy labor dispute, and the price for raising a god—it’s Viral Week