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Rebecca Wang
Rebecca Wang is an intern at The World of Chinese. A Texas native, she is exploring her Chinese roots through studying abroad and is passionate about sharing stories on culture and society. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, playing music, and spending time with friends.
How China’s Small-Town Bookstores Innovate to Survive
Benefiting from government subsidies and close-knit communities, independent bookstores try to compete and make profit in China’s smaller cities
How China’s Small-Town Bookstores Innovate to Survive
Benefiting from government subsidies and close-knit communities, independent bookstores try to compete and make profit in China’s smaller cities
The Thin Line: China’s Dangerous Boom in Extreme Weight Loss Techniques
The death of an influencer at a weight loss camp throws the spotlight on China’s unregulated and dangerous weight loss industry
Last Lockdown: Why Are China’s Campuses Still Closed to the Public?
Months after “zero-Covid” policies disappeared around China, many colleges and universities still have yet to lift campus entry restrictions
Just Ad Misogyny: Why Is Sexist Advertising Still Rampant in China?
A collagen drink becomes the latest product in China to be slammed for gender discrimination in advertising

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