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Shihuan Chen
Shihuan Chen is a contributing writer at The World of Chinese. She is passionate about covering lively and untold stories in China, especially from a human-centric perspective. Her other writing can be found on Sixth Tone, Esquire China, and other media platforms.
For Land’s Sake: The Women Fighting to Keep Hold of Their Rural Land
Struggling against sexist notions, married women try to hold on to their land rights
For Land’s Sake: The Women Fighting to Keep Hold of Their Rural Land
Struggling against sexist notions, married women try to hold on to their land rights
The Workers in Limbo During Guangzhou’s Covid Outbreak
Workers in Guangzhou’s urban villages face days living on the streets as their residences restrict entry
Play Like a Girl: How Women Forge New Communities Through Sport
Frisbee, rock-climbing, and other trendy pastimes are seeing growing interest from women, who make their own community in these sports
After Covid, Another Kind of Isolation
Months after recovery, some former Covid-19 patients struggle with job discrimination, dating stigma, and even separate testing queues
Reform and Dialing Up: The Early Days of the Chinese Netizen
When was the term “wangmin” coined, and how did China’s cyberspace evolve from the first-generation of netizens to today?
They Left Shanghai. Now What?
Departing Shanghai for their hometowns or other cities, many young people are rethinking their life plans after exiting lockdown

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