Badass Ladies of Chinese History: Mathematician and Astronomer Wang Zhenyi
This master astronomer and mathematician solved the mystery of lunar eclipses, simplified proofs, and advocated learning for all—male and female

Four Ancient Chinese Female Scientists History Didn’t Forget
From weaving to medicine to math, these badass scientists left their mark on history, despite the patriarchal obstacles in their path

Play Like a Girl: How Women Forge New Communities Through Sport
Frisbee, rock-climbing, and other trendy pastimes are seeing growing interest from women, who make their own community in these sports

Tales of “Tiger Women” from Ancient China
Ancient Chinese labeled tough, fierce women “tigresses”—they often had to deal with sexism and unruly husbands

The All-Female Punk Band With a Social Conscience
TWOC sits down with all-female punk outfit Dummy Toys to talk about feminism, avoiding labels, and what music means to them

Meet the Chinese Woman Who Became History’s Greatest Pirate
Beardless, brilliant, and Chinese—Zheng Yi Sao fought off navies and amassed a huge fortune