The Coke Standard: Inside Shanghai’s Lockdown Barter Economy
Shanghai’s residents have turned to swapping supplies under lockdown—but is Coca-Cola really the most in-demand item?

How are Shanghai’s Migrant Workers Surviving Lockdown?
Four migrant workers in Shanghai share their lockdown stories of food shortages and being unable to work

Is “Saturday Fiction” too edgy for China’s mainstream? | Film Review
Gong Li’s yarn of empowered female espionage in war-torn Shanghai aimed big at the Chinese box office, but confuses complexity for entertainment

Viral Week Ep. 182
Viral Week is our weekly round-up of the weekend’s trending memes, humor, rumor, gossip, and everything else Chinese netizens are chatting about. It’s the perfect start to the week.
Viral Week Ep. 174
Shanghai on lockdown, train tyrant gets blacklisted (but not molester), Chongqing bus revelations, and anchor unrattled by earthquake—it’s Viral Week

Luxury on Loan
After bicycles and umbrellas, premium goods and cars enter the Chinese sharing economy

China’s Worst Tourist Spots?
A sampling of China’s worst tourist spots, according to disgruntled travelers on TripAdvisor

They may look like 70s and 80s nostalgia, but these tourist sites aren’t that old