Raising Eyebrows: Netizens Riff On Another Slip for China’s Lipstick King
When Li Jiaqi implored his audience to work harder, netizens responded with anger and memes

From Star Signs to Four-Letter Codes: China’s New MBTI Personality Test Craze
From horoscopes to four-letter codes, China’s netizens are trading stars for MBTI personality test charts

How Chinese Netizens Answer the Toughest Questions on Social Media
How do you share four cups of water between five leaders? And other interview questions from the Chinese internet.

Duck, Duck, Rat: A Rodent’s Head Prompts a Deluge of Memes
How an investigation into contaminated cafeteria food took China’s internet by storm

How to “Focus” Like a Chinese Netizen
For Chinese netizens, life shouldn’t be about hard work or study; just friendship is enough

Why Are Sad Frogs Invading China’s Streets?
An invasion of people in frog costumes has taken China’s internet by storm—and posed a challenge to urban management

China’s Netizens Hate Make-Up Workdays With a Passion
China’s netizens come up with creative ways to bemoan mandated workdays around holidays

Tap for Karma: Chinese Youth Become Buddhists 2.0
China’s “Buddha-like youth” are visiting temples and praying to the gods—Gen Z style.

Talk Like the Client Knows Best
The secret to business success in China may be to bombard clients with courtesy, politeness, and rose emojis

Why China’s Educated, Jobless Grads Relate to a Pathetic Scholar
Chinese youth are identifying with the struggles of the protagonist in Lu Xun’s “Kong Yiji,” as they face unemployment and limited job prospects despite their education.