Ancient Poems About Laborers’ Plight
On International Workers’ Day, we take a look at how ancient poets wrote about labor and the working classes

Anti-War Poetry in Ancient China
Four ancient Chinese poets on human suffering amid turbulence and war

Chinese Trees and Their Meanings
Symbolism of eight common trees in Chinese culture

The Desert City Remembered for a Tragic Poet
Delingha in Qinghai was made famous by revered poet Haizi, now the city is trying to use that fame to boost tourism

Poet Shangyang Fang on Avoiding Tokenizing When Writing in English
“I refuse to conform to this stupidity”: Up-and-coming poet Shangyang Fang talks to TWOC about musicality in verse and not conforming to tropes

I Sacrificed 16 Years to the Mines
Miner-poet Chen Nianxi tells the harrowing story of his years working as a blaster underground

On the Character: 野
The history and development of a Chinese character that is far-seeing and untamed

The Best of Su Dongpo
Ten classic lines from the prolific Song poet, who was born 982 years ago today