The Business of Murder: Regulations Hit Role-Playing Murder Mystery Games
Do government regulations mark the death sentence of the role-playing murder game industry?

EDG’s Epic Win Highlights Misogyny in the Gaming World
Chinese esports team’s victory triggers rape threats and sexual harassment from male fans
Tech Thursday Episode 29
WeChat for foreigners, content regulations protect children (and adults), men spend more online, and China’s food-delivery preferences

Hong Kong to host Gay Games in 2022
Is Hong Kong ready for the LGBT-friendly event?

Chinese Drinking Games: 5, 10, 15
The World of Chinese brings you another drinking game guaranteed to frustrate, amuse, and inebriate in equal measure

Top Video Games in China
Gaming is big business. So which e-games boast the most Chinese players?

China’s Brazen Overwatch Clone
It’s a blatant copy of the Blizzard game, but hey, this one works on phones