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Ginger Huang
Ginger Huang is a contributing writer at The World of Chinese.
30 Years of Choosing College Majors in China
How did Chinese students earn the right to choose their own majors, and how did the most popular choices evolve over time?
30 Years of Choosing College Majors in China
How did Chinese students earn the right to choose their own majors, and how did the most popular choices evolve over time?
Arms Up! How Radio Exercises Live on in Modern China
How a German tradition from 1803 affects the massage parlors of China today
How the Bikini Finally Came to China
From swimming across the Yangtze in the 60s to indecency scandals in the 80s: 30 years of swimwear history in China
Road to Winter
The Olympics put it on the map, but there’s more to see now in Zhangjiakou and its nearby northern charms
30 Years of Photography
From state-owned photo studios to personal digital SLRs, check out the history of modern Chinese photo-taking

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