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Ji Jingjing
Ji Jingjing is a freelancer and a former intern at The World of Chinese. She mainly writes on Chinese culture, history and society. As a movie fanatic, she’s passionate about sharing her reviews with TWOC readers.
Can Anything Save China’s Fast Food Brands?
Once applauded for their high-end take on classic Chinese dishes, “internet famous” restaurants are now struggling to retain customers
Can Anything Save China’s Fast Food Brands?
Once applauded for their high-end take on classic Chinese dishes, “internet famous” restaurants are now struggling to retain customers
How Baijiu Reinvented Itself for Chinese Youth
China’s traditional liquor was supposed to be out of touch, but it’s proving the doubters wrong by adapting to the social media age
The Shady World of Chinese Online Reviews
Welcome to the world of Chinese consumer reviews, where fakes lurk round every corner and a “water army” can torpedo e-commerce businesses
China’s “Sex and the City” Rethinks Female Portrayal on TV
Despite its corny name, highly rated new series “Delicious Romance” is shattering years of shallow female characterization on television
Is “Saturday Fiction” too edgy for China’s mainstream? | Film Review
Gong Li’s yarn of empowered female espionage in war-torn Shanghai aimed big at the Chinese box office, but confuses complexity for entertainment
Young and in Debt
With temptations to consume but little financial savvy, young Chinese fall prey to online lending platforms

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