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Hatty Liu
Hatty Liu is the former managing editor of The World of Chinese, and an award-winning communications researcher. Born in China, and raised in China, Canada, and the US, she leverages her cross-cultural identity to create more empathetic knowledge across national boundaries.
Growing Pains: What’s Behind China’s Obsession With Height?
Faced with still-rampant height discrimination in society, Chinese parents go to great lengths to make their kids tall
Getting Rights Wrong: Fighting Hiring Discrimination in Chinese Courts
Despite Chinese laws guaranteeing gender equality, female job-seekers continue to be barred from certain opportunities
Women’s Work: Gender Inequality in China’s Workplaces
What the women of China earn, what they deserve, and what they’re missing
The Hidden Harassment in Chinese Workplaces
Chinese women face an uphill battle to define, recognize, and report unwanted sexual attention at work
Hype and Drama at China’s Viral Village Soccer Championships
The recently concluded “Village Super League” championships in Guizhou have showcased local food, unique performances, and amateur soccer players from all walks of life
Closer to Heaven
Clouds swirl permanently over Yunnan’s remote Nujiang region, where old Christian communities meet an abandoned government outpost and one of Asia’s wildest rivers
After Hours: The Unseen Lives of China’s Public Sleepers
From migrant workers seeking refuge to budget-conscious tourists, public sleeping in China reveals a tapestry of urban social dynamics

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