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Eduardo Baptista
Eduardo Baptista is a former editorial intern at The World of Chinese. He is a fan of rap, basketball, and the TV rom-coms “Yanxi Palace” and “First Half of My Life.” Eduardo studied history at the University of Cambridge.
Seoul Train
China’s booming market for K-pop is inspiring domestic hopefuls to train for a career in the industry
Seoul Train
China’s booming market for K-pop is inspiring domestic hopefuls to train for a career in the industry
Hoops and Dreams
Once considered a rogue offshoot of basketball, streetball enjoys a growing grassroots popularity in China
Fire Down Below
The famous liquor-making town of Maotai is one of several reasons to visit the intoxicating southern province of Guizhou
Tech Thursday: Facial Recognition for Farms
The latest target for China’s facial recognition bonanza is livestock, and aims to revolutionize farming
Top Reality Show of 2018: Dunk of China
The smash-hit variety show combined basketball with pop culture to lure millions into watching

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