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Anson Zong-Liscum (安森)
Anson Zong-Liscum is the digital content manager at The World of Chinese. Originally from Colorado, he now lives in Yunnan where he often goes up the mountains to explore the province’s unique outdoors, enjoys testing out distinct ethnic dishes, and sipping on local Pu’er tea or coffee while updating the TWOC iPhone app.
All Aboard the Yunnan Express
Riding the rails of southern Yunnan province, where “internet celebrity” tourism and French colonial legacy collide
All Aboard the Yunnan Express
Riding the rails of southern Yunnan province, where “internet celebrity” tourism and French colonial legacy collide
Remembering the Deadliest Bridge on the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
A spectacular 115-year-old railway bridge in Yunnan province stands as a reminder of the Chinese workers who died in its construction
TWOC’s Top Stories of 2022
Covid, current events, and cursing: What stories caught the attention of our readers in an eventful 2022?
Kunming’s Dwarf Kingdom: Exploitation or Empowerment?
A first-hand look at the controversial Yunnan theme park claiming to provide a haven for China’s “little people”
The Family Mansion at the Heart of Yunnan’s Modern History
How the Zhu clan became one of the richest and most powerful families in all Yunnan from their business base in Jianshui
On the Tracks of the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
Yunnan's French colonial connections lives on in the old train station at Bisezhai

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