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Liu Jue
Liu Jue is the co-managing editor of The World of Chinese Magazine. She has a Master of Arts in Communication from Middle Tennessee State University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Minzu University. She has been working for TWOC since 2012. She is interested in covering history, traditional culture, and Chinese language.
Beyond Fairytales: 3 “Anti-Romance” Films for Chinese Valentine’s Day
What better time than Qixi, also known as Chinese Valentine’s Day, to burst the love bubble through these poignant unromantic movies
Beyond Fairytales: 3 “Anti-Romance” Films for Chinese Valentine’s Day
What better time than Qixi, also known as Chinese Valentine’s Day, to burst the love bubble through these poignant unromantic movies
Poetry That Delivers
Wang Jibing, China’s “delivery driver poet,” talks to TWOC about getting inspired on the road and not letting online trolls get the better of him
How Ancient Chinese Poets Celebrated Qingming Festival
Four ancient Chinese poems on Qingming Festival show that the day was always about more than just tomb sweeping
Fading Trades: Photographing China’s Disappearing Professions
Once common sights on sidewalks, many old professions are giving way to online apps and urbanization. Photographer Huang Ruide captures these fading trades on camera before they’re gone for good.
Five Must-Read Works By Chinese Female Writers
These exceptional works by female Chinese authors reflect on topics from the impact of rapid urbanization on Chinese women to the trauma of sexual abuse victims
How are China’s Biggest Holidays Celebrated in Classic Novels?
The Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival are key scenes of drama in China’s Four Classic Novels, providing clues of how people celebrated holidays in ancient China

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