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Zixia Liu
Zixia Liu is a contributing writer at The World of Chinese.
Poet Shangyang Fang on Avoiding Tokenizing When Writing in English
“I refuse to conform to this stupidity”: Up-and-coming poet Shangyang Fang talks to TWOC about musicality in verse and not conforming to tropes
Poet Shangyang Fang on Avoiding Tokenizing When Writing in English
“I refuse to conform to this stupidity”: Up-and-coming poet Shangyang Fang talks to TWOC about musicality in verse and not conforming to tropes
The Simple Lines and Grand Designs of Shangyang Fang’s Poetry
Shangyang Fang’s acclaimed debut poetry collection meditates on desire and despair with quotes from Tang poets and techniques from Western classical music
One Film, Many Truths
Chen Jianbin’s murder-in-a-play-in-a-film, The Eleventh Chapter, is a labyrinthine performance of truth

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