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Zheng Zaihuan (郑在欢)
Born in 1990 in rural Zhumadian, Henan province, Zheng dropped out of school at the age of 16 to work in a luggage factory. He started writing while working 12 or more hours per day, often at midnight or in the early morning after his shift’s end. His latest works, “Kill the Enemy All Night (《今夜通宵杀敌》)” and “Reunion before Parting (《团圆总在离散前》),” both short story anthologies, came out in late 2021.
Hi-Lee-Bon | Fiction
An old man and a mysterious snack set the scene for this cynical and humorous tale by Zheng Zaihuan
Hi-Lee-Bon | Fiction
An old man and a mysterious snack set the scene for this cynical and humorous tale by Zheng Zaihuan

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