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Moy Hau
Moy Hau is a contributing writer at The World of Chinese.
Lighthouse | Fiction
Author An Wei explores the nature of reality and the self, and whether one has a choice to accept either
The Girl Who Lives on Weibo
A young woman with romantic aspirations finds solace in Weibo, where she makes a tragic realization about herself
A Life in the Day
A wife trapped in an abusive marriage seeks help—and makes a shocking discovery
Lighthouse | Fiction
Author An Wei explores the nature of reality and the self, and whether one has a choice to accept either
I’ve Never Had a Winning Ticket | Fiction
A tale of chance and mishap, from Chinese author Jiang Zijian
A Grave Reckoning | Fiction
On Tomb Sweeping Day, enjoy a tale of family relationships and remembrance—with a twist
School of Love | Fiction
A mysterious accident weaves together the fate of two families, in this short story by “post-90s” author Jiang Xinlei

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