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Ebba Isaksson
Ebba Isaksson was an intern at The World of Chinese in 2018 – 2019. She primarily writes about Chinese society and culture, and is especially passionate about women’s rights and the role of women in contemporary Chinese society. Ebba holds a master’s degree in China Studies from Peking University.
‘Four’ and More
A staple takeout dish declines, as Sweden sees an infusion of high-end Chinese cuisine
‘Four’ and More
A staple takeout dish declines, as Sweden sees an infusion of high-end Chinese cuisine
Polygamous Problems
Amid news of hidden marriages, TWOC explores China’s polyamorous past and present.
Age-Old Question
Due to a tradition known “nominal” or “fictitious age,” many Chinese claim to be a year or two older than their actual birth
Amid accusations of racial discrimination, TWOC looks into the nightclub door policies that make or break a foreigner’s night out
Shocking Safety Scandals of 2018
The counterfeit busts and unsanitary reveals that alarmed China this year

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