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Adam Robbins
Adam Robbins is a writer and editor based in China since 2014, with work appearing in The World of Chinese, NewsChina, City Weekend, and That’s Shenzhen, along with his recently published Plagueworld Chronicles: Day by Day Through the 2020 Pandemic with an American Locked Down in China. This peripatetic Yankee is originally from a small town in Maine, educated at Harvard College, and worked in Minnesota for ten years to help achieve marriage equality. He’s already enjoyed his ten minutes of fame, on a 2011 episode of The Daily Show, and now looks forward to baking at home. He’s lived and worked in Boston, Austin, Minneapolis, Taipei, and Beijing before moving to Shenzhen with his husband.
Ready to Launch: A Guide to China’s Latest Science Fiction Writers
Chinese science fiction is finally being translated into English beyond Liu Cixin’s famous Three-Body Problem
Ready to Launch: A Guide to China’s Latest Science Fiction Writers
Chinese science fiction is finally being translated into English beyond Liu Cixin’s famous Three-Body Problem
Chinese Sci-Fi Beyond “The Three Body Problem” | Book Review
Newly translated short stories map out China’s sci-fi universe for English readers
Anxiety and Opportunism on the Russia-China Border | Book Review
Franck Billé and Caroline Humphrey’s “On the Edge” portrays how China’s rise reshaped the reality of the people living just across the river
Exploring Humanity’s Many Possible AI Futures | Book Review
Entrepreneur Kai-Fu Lee and sci-fi writer Chen Qiufan weave fiction and technical explanation to illustrate the opportunities and pitfalls of artificial intelligence
Seeing Ghosts | Book Review
How the memoirs of a Chinese American author, haunted by her parents, can help us relate to our own families
Burst Your Bubble With Taiwan's Queer Sci-Fi Classic
A review of the new English translation of the Chi Ta-Wei's "The Membranes," an eerily relevant imagining of the future

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