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Siyi Chu (褚司怡)
Siyi is the Culture Editor at The World of Chinese. She writes about arts, culture, and society, and is ever-curious about the minds, hearts, and souls inside all of these spheres. Before joining TWOC, she was a freelance writer with some additional work experience in independent filmmaking and the field of education.
How (Not) to Handle a PR Crisis in Chinese
A language guide to how Chinese celebrities and companies handle public relations crises...and often make them worse
How (Not) to Handle a PR Crisis in Chinese
A language guide to how Chinese celebrities and companies handle public relations crises...and often make them worse
The Future of China’s Elderly Care is Young
Can young professionals change geriatric care in China, or will it change them first?
When Art Meets the Authenticity of Labor
How performance artist Li Liao, famous for his 45-day stint on Foxconn’s assembly lines in 2012, became a delivery driver to pay the bills
Fertile Ground: Sperm Banks in China Struggle to Meet Growing Demand
Demand for sperm banks is rising, but young men struggle to meet tough technical and societal standards to donate
The Infancy of Children’s Literature in China
A century ago, the founding of a children’s magazine witnessed a progressive movement in how modern Chinese society wrote for—and saw—children
The Young Fiber Artists Tying Themselves in Knots
How an artist couple tugs at the loose threads of society—by working with their own hair

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